I normally don’t get on a soap box, but I was feeling especially dirty and in need of cleansing............
I was watching some Christmas Disney movies with my son the other day when something struck me. The spirit of Disney is the entrepreneurial spirit.
Every Disney movie has the you can do it drive. The impossible is possible notion.
The movie that brought me to this idea depicted Mickey Mouse as a poor Christmas tree laborer (yeah right! Mickey poor!) trying to do whatever he had to in order to get Minnie a gold necklace for Christmas.
He had a horrible job with low pay, but he had a goal and a dream.
How many of you say that something is a must like Nemo finding his way home or like Simba reclaiming his throne?
Whether your 4 or 40, every single Disney movie is the life of an entrepreneur. The world against you. Odds so high you can’t see over them. People doubting your every step from rise to rest.
It was in that moment that I really saw the genius and soul of Walt Disney. Although he is long passed, he was just a man that wouldn't quit. Decades after his passing his movies still show that tenacity. Just when days seem their bleakest and darkest, the hero pushes through a breakthrough.
How close are you to getting your Princess Jasmine even though you’re a beggar?
How much more passion do you have to show to get a beauty if you’re a beast?
How many people have to tell you that you can’t be “real” before you change your wooden reality?
Whenever your situation gets you down you may not have to pop in an inspirational CD. Just go through a child’s movie collection! Think of it. We teach children to dream from the moment they can see, but somewhere around puberty we forget to do that.
Be a child. Be foolish. Be a dreamer.
Be that person who pulls the sword out of the stone when hundreds before you said it can’t be done.
Be Disney.
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